Raindrop Therapy

After seeing so many benefits and success stories with essential oils for my family I began to research raindrop therapy and was fascinated by what I found. Raindrop is a sequence of anointing with oils and laying on of hands that brings structural and electrical alignment to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Most raindrops oils are high in phenolic content to ward off potentially damaging viruses and bacterias while cleansing cellular receptor sites to enhance inter and intra cellular communication to improve overall body function. Some raindrop oils contain a variety of monoterpenes to assist in deleting misinformation in the dna and reprogramming correct information in cellular memory to restore and maintain physical and emotional wellness. Vitaflex is another gentle technique that works with reflex points all over the body. Vitaflex induces currents along nerve pathways in the body to clear out any blockages that may be creating dis-ease or dis-harmony in the body. Essential oil & vitaflex are synergistic and when done together the effects and results are more enhanced.